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  • Jun

How To Handle Common Dental Emergencies

Let’s say you sprained an ankle. What are your first steps? Most of us probably would say something along the lines of plop down on the nearest couch, ice the ankle, elevate it, add some compression, and see a doctor if it’s a bad sprain. But what about a dental emergency, like a broken tooth? […]
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  • Jun

How to Know if You Have a Cavity

According to the National Institutes of Health, the most prevalent health condition after the common cold is tooth decay. It’s more than likely that if you haven’t already had a cavity, you will develop at least one in your lifetime. So, how do you know if you have a cavity? Well, depending on the severity […]
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  • Jun

How To Quickly Treat Cold Sores

Got a Cold Sore? Here’s How to Treat It Quickly Ugh. A cold sore appears a couple of days before a party where you’ll be photographed as much as the Royal Couple. That smile that we’ve been working on together just went from hero to zero, right? Not necessarily. Finding which cold sore treatment works […]
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  • Jun

Kicking the Tobacco Habit is Good for Your Mouth

While the current percentage of Americans who smoke cigarettes is the lowest it’s been in decades, those who continue the habit remain at risk for heart and lung disease. Additionally, while we know smoking is also bad for our oral health, most don’t understand just how bad it is… More Than Just Stained Teeth From […]
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  • Jun

Proper Brushing FAQs

Mouth open or mouth closed? After lunch or after dinner? Flat or at an angle? We brush our teeth every day (hopefully!), but who knew it was this complicated. Just grab a brush a get to work, right? Not so fast, my friend! There are actually some best practices to be mindful of when brushing […]
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  • Jun

Protect Yourself Against Oral Cancer

If there were a quick and painless way to identify precancerous cells in the mouth of someone you loved, would you want them to try it? What if that person were you? The truth is, as uncomfortable as it may be to even think of the word “cancer,” thinking about it, and thus detecting it […]
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  • Jun

Reasons You May Have A Dry Mouth

We all know drinking enough water is good for our health. And when you’re feeling parched, there’s nothing better than a tall drink of ice-cold water to dampen that dry the mouth of yours. But what do you do when you find yourself constantly needing to wet your whistle? There are numerous reasons you could […]
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  • Jun

Should I Brush Before Flossing?

The age-old question – should you floss before you brush or after? If you asked any one of our team members, you just might get a different answer on this one! Before you report them for not knowing their stuff, each response can be right! As long as you’re doing a thorough job, we don’t […]
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  • Jun

The Why, When, How and Where of Tongue Scraping

Imagine it’s still winter… you’re standing at the door, ready to brave the cold. You’re layered-up with three shirts and a sweatshirt, your heavy winter coat, and two layers of socks underneath your waterproof winter boots. Then you’ve got those awesome jeans with the flannel on the inside, your comfy hat, scarf, and gloves. You’re […]
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  • Jun

Understanding the Five Stages of Tooth Decay

Did you know there are five distinct stages of tooth decay? And, that in the first stage of decay, you can actually take steps to reverse the progression of the disease? Indeed, it’s true. In the first stage of decay, whether you’re a child or an adult, the application of fluoride via fluoride treatments, your […]