Shannon (Dental Assistant)
Shannon has lived in the Rochester area for a majority of her life. She moved back here, from Syracuse, in 2008 and completed The Monroe County Dental Assisting Program in 2010. Shannon is looking forward to continuing her education in the dental field. When Shannon is not working, all her spare time is spent with her three wonderful children, David, Carter & Nina.
Leslie (Registered Dental Hygeinist)
Leslie has been practicing Dental Hygiene for 5 years. She earned her degree from Monroe Community College in 2013. She keeps up to date on all of the newest hygiene methods with her continuing education courses. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking and camping.
Toree – RIP (6/2010-3/2022)
Toree, our beloved Golden Doodle, is sadly no longer with us. She truly loved everyone she ever met. She was the very best office greeter and best office pup ever and will be greatly missed by all.