• 25
  • Jun

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Ever look at a photo of yourself from only a few years ago and ask yourself, “Huh, were my teeth looked a bit brighter back then?” We definitely do. Coffee and red wine usually get the blame for teeth discoloration, but several other causes may be the culprit. Common Reasons for Tooth Discoloration Spotty Dental […]
  • 25
  • Jun

What is plaque?

Most people have heard of the word “plaque,” and know it’s not something you want on your teeth. Yet, they don’t know what exactly plaque is or how it contributes to dental decay. Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that lives on the surface of your teeth and along the gumline. It accumulates […]
  • 25
  • Jun

What to Do When You Crack a Tooth

Chomp on something your tooth didn’t like? Or get hit in the mouth with a hockey puck? If you think you may have a cracked tooth, or if you’re holding a piece of your tooth in your hand, follow these steps! 1. Give us a call to schedule an appointment 585-671-9580. Let us know about […]
  • 25
  • Jun

What You Need to Know About Crossbites

Typically, when a parent brings a young child to the dentist, the last discussion they’re expecting to have is one centered on braces and orthodontic appliances. Yet, even at ages three and four, a talk about braces, sagittal expanders, and retainers can indeed be front and center when a child is diagnosed with a crossbite. […]
  • 6
  • Jan

Dr. Chris Juliano’s blog

Raising Awareness of Oral Cancer Risk Did you know that 35,000 new cases of oral cancer are expected to be diagnosed this year? Oral cancer and Oropharyngeal cancer may develop in the cheeks, lips, gums, throat (at the rear of the mouth), tonsils, and palate. Primary risk factors for both types of oral cancer include […]